When searching for credit report repair company reviews, you will find that the Lexington Law company is ranked as the number one in almost all of these reviews. There are many reasons as to why this credit repair service provider is continuously being praised and considered as the leading name in the industry of credit restoration.
First and foremost, the services that Lexington Law has to offer are backed up with more than 20 years of experience. This company has served more than 500,000 clients around the country by having 22 lawyers in 16 different states employed. The clients of this credit score repair organization have seen an 8.7 average on removals, which one of the highest in the industry.
Lexington Law makes use of a unique and a proactive approach to how the company restores and rebuilds its client’s credit scores. When you choose this as the credit report company that will handle your credit score, you can choose from three levels or types of services that will allow you to control and manage the items that you would want to dispute on your report.
These three types of service include the Lexington Regular, the Concord Standard, and the Concord Premier. All of these three have the same set up fee charges of $99.95, but have varying monthly fees. The Lexington Regular level costs $59.95 a month, the Concord Standard costs $79.95 a month, and the Concord Premier costs $99.95 a month.
If you are still wondering as to why you should consider Lexington Law as your credit report repair company, it is because you will gain access to several very useful features. With the company’s case facilitators comprised of well trained and expert paralegals, you can rest assure that your credit will be repaired at all of the three major credit agencies. Lawyers will also oversee the process of repairing your credit score and are always ready to guide and aid you with any difficult problems that may arise during the restoration of your credit score.